Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Salmon run

Every year in October-November we are treated to this amazing spectacle - salmon running up the river, playing, fighting, spawning and, well, dying. Challenging to photograph but quite spectacular. So, I've got a few killer ones... and most of them got lost in hard drive crash over this weekend. Showing a few...

This mountain serves as a backdrop...
...to a river (well, water stream rather, river is a bit too loud) which fills up with rain runnoff as fall comes.
Water is even more shallow near the shore, fish is frolicking right under your feet, you can extend your arm and actually touch some:
... closer...
...and closer yet...
... and this is where that brilliant shot should have been placed proudly: close-up of chum salmon's open mouth, teeth are sharp, one eye looks right at you... no luck recovering that one. Very disappointing. Oh well, look at pretty autumn leaves instead:

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