Sunday, December 6, 2009

Winter stroll

...or at least what goes for winter in this neck of the woods.

and of course beautiful Mt.Baker - that's where 70-300 comes handy.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

UltraWide Angle lens

New toy, 9-18 lens on its first walk. Sidney Marina:
Oceanside walk:
These two, captain and damsel with a doggy, were erected recently.

Driftwood on the shore (I need to do a separate series with driftwood, amazing subject):
And finally, my favorite from this walk:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Salmon run

Every year in October-November we are treated to this amazing spectacle - salmon running up the river, playing, fighting, spawning and, well, dying. Challenging to photograph but quite spectacular. So, I've got a few killer ones... and most of them got lost in hard drive crash over this weekend. Showing a few...

This mountain serves as a backdrop... a river (well, water stream rather, river is a bit too loud) which fills up with rain runnoff as fall comes.
Water is even more shallow near the shore, fish is frolicking right under your feet, you can extend your arm and actually touch some:
... closer...
...and closer yet...
... and this is where that brilliant shot should have been placed proudly: close-up of chum salmon's open mouth, teeth are sharp, one eye looks right at you... no luck recovering that one. Very disappointing. Oh well, look at pretty autumn leaves instead:

Friday, October 30, 2009

Olympic torch relay

Olympic torch started it's long rip through Canada - about 3 months and 45,000 km. I guess it's going to be old news very soon but today was the first day of this trip.
A few parade trucks:

Flame is being transferred between bearers:
New bearer:

... and these two sleepy observers just can't understand what all the hoopla is about

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall colors

I am sure we will have more of beautiful fall colors (by the way, why does British "autumn" sounds so much better?). For now, these:

What a way to do your homework!