Sunday, August 23, 2009

Walk into the ocean

This is what it is. About 700 metres (almost half a mile) long walk from the shore to the lighthouse at the end of the breakwater - one of the best short walks in Victoria. Fresh ocean breeze,
sometimes splash of cold water,

popular place for runners with amazing mountain backdrop for their exercise,
spot to watch cruise ships coming and going
or staying docked and offering beautiful views both in the day
early evening
and later when their lights go up,
and of course sunsets...

Just gotta be careful staying right at the edge - the water IS cold!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Treasures in your own backyard

A week ago we took visiting friends on Eco-cruise. That was kind of "be a tourist in your own town" thing for us - and what a delight it turned to be. Let the pictures speak for themselves.

Comfortable boat, shown beached at one of the stops:

Enthusiastic and knowledgeable guide (thanks again Brian!):

Picturesque rock formations:
Quite a few of these cuties getting their suntan:

Flocks of birds all around:

Beautiful landscapes (seascapes?) wherever you look:
And even sailing regatta for the dessert:
I could think of zillion ways to spent 2 hours worse than that, and way fewer ways to spend it better!

PS. For gearheads:
1. 70-300 is a delightful lens for this kind of shooting - amazing reach and very lightweight. All the animals and birds above are shot with it. Good light helped keep the apperture around the sharpest for this lens (8-11) while still having decent shutter speed (1/640 - 1/800)
2. The boat vibrates, even if so slightly - keep your Image Stabilization on.